martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

    MY DAY

Hello, my name is Lia and I’m going to explain you a day of my life.

I get up around 7:30. Then I dress myself, brush my teeth and have breakfast. After breakfast I go to school by bicycle at 8:25. School starts at 9:00 o’clock. I stay all the morning at school even for lunch at 1: 30. After school at 5:00 o’clock I go to basketball training or to the Banyoles Music School depending on the day. Every day when I arrive home after my activities I do my homework. Then I have dinner and after that I go to bed at 10:00 o’clock. 


Hello I am Lia again and now I will explain you my week.

My week begins on Monday early in the morning. I get up usually between 7:30 and 8:00. I go to school by bicycle after having breakfast, at 8:25 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and at 7:55 on Wednesdays and Fridays. I am all the morning at the school and I also take my lunch at the school with my friends. My afternoons are also very busy because I go to the music school and I play basketball too. During the week, at the music school I play piano, play chamber together with another piano, do music theory and I am also singing in a chorus. I go to the basketball training on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. When I finish these activities I do my homework before dinner. I usually go to sleep at 10:00 o’clock.


Finally I will explain you a weekend of my life.

Usually I get up early on Saturdays because I have a basket mach with my team. I am now playing with “Club Basquet Banyoles”. Normally the match finishes around the lunch time. If the match is far from Banyoles I have dinner in the city where we are playing. After dinner I go to Ei Gent where I play leisure games with my friends. After Ei gent I go to my house and have dinner. Then, I watch TV and finally I go to bed.
On winter Sundays I go skiing all the day with the “Club d’esqui Banyoles”. After skiing I do my homework and then I go to sleep. I go to sleep very tired.



Did you use visual support?? Yes a powerpoint
Did you show/talk about the photos in the point to the audience?? yes

BODY LENGUAGE AND EYE CONTACT: 4 Don’t read the notes, don’t look at the audience Aand few movements to explain.

Did you look at your audience most of the time?? sometimes
Did you read from you notes? no,I don't
Did you do any gestures/movent to hold the attention of you audience?? not many


Did you organize your ideas in order of importance?? yes
Did you use dicourse marders to make you ideas more clear?? sometimes
Which ones?? then and after

CONTENT: 2 Few vocabulary used during the course, simple sentences, with few complements, no connectors, adverbs or prepositions.

Did you introduce interesting information to your audience?? not many
Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original?? dedtailed but not more original


Did you check your grammar?? some
Did you use rich/new vocabulary looking up the dictionary?? yes, but no many
Which ones?? expressions
Did you use sentence linker? one: and
Did you use fillers?? no more

PRONOUNCIATION AND INTONATION: 3 Quite clear and understandable.

Did you know how to pronounce all your words? almost all
Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? no
Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone all the time? use a monotone all the time
Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? enough fluid but a sometimes with breaks and interruptions


Your are your teacher! what mark did you get? my mark would 7'5

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